Accepted Contributions

Papers and Posters

Models, Theories and Vocabulary

Byung-Chull Bae, Yun-Gyung Cheong and Daniel Vella – Modeling Foreshadowing in Narrative Comprehension for Sentimental Readers
Luis Emilio Bruni and Sarune Baceviciute – Narrative Intelligibility and Closure in Interactive Systems
Stacey Mason – On Games and Links: Extending the Vocabulary of Agency and Immersion in Interactive Narratives
Altuğ Işığan – The Audio-Visual Construction of Narrative Space in Video Games
Ivan Girina – Video Game Mise-en-scene. Remediation of cinematic codes in video games
Hartmut Koenitz, Mads Haahr, Gabriele Ferri, Digdem Sezen and Tonguc Ibrahim Sezen – Mapping the Evolving Space of Interactive Digital Narrative – From Artifacts to Categorizations
Sebastian Hurup Bevensee and Henrik Schoenau-Fog – Conceptualizing Productive Interactivity in Emergent Narratives
John Truesdale, Sandy Louchart, Helen Hastie and Ruth Aylett – Suitability of Modelling Context for use within Emergent Narrative

Applications and Authoring Tools

Wolfgang Müller, Ulrike Spierling and Claudia Stockhausen – Production and Delivery of Interactive Narratives Based on Video Snippets
Alex Mitchell and Teong Leong Chuah – Telling Stories on the Go: Lessons From a Mobile Thematic Storytelling System
Michal Bída, Martin Černý and Cyril Brom – Towards Automatic Story Clustering for Interactive Narrative Authoring
Hartmut Koenitz, Tonguc Ibrahim Sezen and Digdem Sezen – Breaking Points – A Continuously Developing Interactive Digital Narrative
Michael Garber-Barron and Mei Si – The Role of Gender And Age on User Preferences in Narrative Experiences
Paul Mulholland, Annika Wolff, Zdenek Zdrahal, Ning Li and Joe Corneli – Constructing and connecting storylines to tell museum stories
Martin Zimper, Nico Lypitkas, Marc Lepetit and Nina Thoenen – Night Shifts – an interactive documentary for the iPad
Michal Bída, Martin Černý and Cyril Brom – SimDate3D – Level Two

Analyses, Evaluation, and User Experience Reports

Mariët Theune, Jeroen Linssen and Thijs Alofs – Acting, Playing or Talking about the Story: An Annotation Scheme for Communication during Interactive Digital Storytelling
Sharon Lynn Chu, Francis Quek and Joshua Tanenbaum – Performative Authoring: Nurturing Storytelling in Children through Imaginative Enactment
Miika Pirtola, Yun-Gyung Cheong and Mark J. Nelson – Player Perspectives to Unexplained Agency-Related Incoherence
Christian Roth and Ivar Vermeulen – Breaching Interactive Storytelling’s Implicit Agreement: A Content Analysis of Façade User Behaviors
Gabriele Ferri – Satire, Propaganda, Play, Storytelling. Notes on Critical Interactive Digital Narratives
Sercan Şengün – Silent Hill 2 and the Curious Case of Invisible Agency
Arne Grinder-Hansen and Henrik Schoenau-Fog – The Elements of a Narrative Environment – Exploring User Reactions in Relation to Game Elements

Artificial Intelligence and Story Generation

Elena Rishes, Stephanie Lukin, David Elson and Marilyn Walker – Generating Different Story Tellings from Semantic Representations of Narrative
Neil Suttie, Sandy Louchart, Theo Lim and Ruth Aylett – Theoretical Considerations towards Authoring Emergent Narrative
Margaret Sarlej and Malcolm Ryan – Generating Stories with Morals
Paulo Gomes, Ana Paiva, Carlos Martinho and Arnav Jhala – Metrics for Character Believability in Interactive Narrative
Larissa Munishkina, Jennifer Parrish and Marilyn Walker – Fully-Automatic Interactive Story Design from Film Scripts

New Narrative Forms

Clinton Jorge, Julian Hanna, Valentina Nisi, Nuno Nunes, Miguel Caldeira, Giovanni Innella and Amanda Marinho – Storytelling and the Use of Social Media in Digital Art Installations
Andreas Zingerle and Linda Kronman – Faceless patrons – an augmented installation exploring 419-fictional narratives
Helena Maritta – Minun Helsinkini/My Helsinki/Wa Magaaleydi Helsinki – Finnish Somali Youth Speak for Themselves in Their Document Film
Andreas Zingerle and Linda Kronman – Re: Dakar Arts Festival –  exploring transmedia storytelling methods  to document an Internet scam
Rossana Damiano and Antonio Lieto – Building narrative connections among media objects in cultural heritage repositories
Yujie Zhu and Jichen Zhu – StoryJam: Supporting Collective Storytelling with Game Mechanics


Morning Coffee – Animal Phase – Charles Elwonger & Audio: Jocelyn Reyes

Tones: I’m Touched –Hülya Aktun

Sneaky Time – Özge Samancı and Blacki Li Rudi Migliozzi

CAVE! CAVE! DEUS VIDET – We Are Müesli – Claudia Molinari & Matteo Pozzi

Monochroma – Nowhere Studios – Burak Tezateşer & Orçun Nişli

Evolution –  Johannes Heldén and Håkan Jonson

Traveller – Ruth Aylett, Asad Nazir, Christopher Ritter, Mei Yii Lim: Heriot-Watt University, UK, Felix Kistler: Augsburg University, Germany, Samuel Mascarenhas, Ana Paiva: INESC-ID, Portugal, Nick Degens, Gert Jan Hofstede: Wageningen University, the Netherlands, Aleksandra Swiderska, Arvid Kappas: Jacobs University, Germany

Breaking Points – Diğdem Sezen, Hartmut Koenitz, Tonguç İbrahim Sezen

Ice-Bound  – Jacob Garbe and Aaron Reed

Interactive Hopscotch – Reha Dişçioğlu

Points of View– Zohar Kifir

Poe’s Tell Tale Heart Embodying Narrative through Mobile Play – Macabros Games, San Francisco, California, Lindsay Grace, Associate Professor, American University, James Cox, Miami University, Tristan Carkuff, Miami University, Steven Harvey, Miami University, Derek Rumpler, Miami University

HOYTAMO.COM – Altti Näsi









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